Calling all music lovers! Don’t miss your chance to win the ultimate rock-inspired prize package. Here’s what’s up for grabs:
• $250 Amazon Gift Card – Fuel your passion for music, books, or gadgets.
• Vinyl Records from Iconic Rock Bands – Own legendary albums that shaped rock history. Win rare albums from Life, Sex and Death, Quiet Riot’s debut (with Randy Rhodes), Jon Butcher (out of print) plus iconic releases from Thunder, Mitch Malloy, Junkyard, Winger, Tuff and more. If it says “Giveaway,’ then that’s the prize package. No purchase necessary.*
• Books from Rock Legends – Explore untold stories written by your favorite artists. JJ French, Jean Beauvoir and Ron Young.
Our purpose is raise awareness for Shatterproof – an organization that helps with adiction. One day, you or a family member or friend may need help. No donations are necessary. Just enjoy the music.
Read reviews about bands you may have never heard of – but should.
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Pick and choose your entry methods. Above all – have a great time.
Celebrate the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll with this incredible giveaway!
Please read the rules before entering.

*All prizes have been purchased by GadgetsFoodandTravel.com. We guarantee they will be awarded to the winner.

Giveaway Frenzy – the premiere contest, sweepstates and giveaway listing website.